12. joulukuuta 2014

Brazilian guests at TAOKK

In mid-August this year, thirteen VET teachers from Brazil arrived at TAMK. They were much expected as they were our first group of Brazilians, pioneers in a programme to be continued and developed with the Brazilian government. And now we are sad to see them go.

The programme created for the Brazilian VET teachers includes an update of pedagogical approaches and theories, introduction to the Finnish education system, project based learning and e-learning. Our Brazilian guests have been observing lessons at TAMK and at all levels of education in Tampere. They have also been very interested to learn about TAMK’s partnerships and collaboration with local companies, some of which they’ve been able to visit. Some examples of new forms of teaching and learning that ‘our’ Brazilians have found especially intriguing are ProAcademy, BioHub, Demola, and Me & MyCity.

For me, working with our Brazilian colleagues has been a constant source of delight and great satisfaction. I’ve enjoyed my role as a facilitator of their learning process, for example helping them to find the contacts they needed and suggesting useful sources to read. Working with this group has given me new perspectives on all my work with TAOKK, and I’ve learnt more about what’s going on in TAMK than during my entire time here!

Now that Christmas is approaching our Brazilian guests are heading home, to a warmer climate and sunshine. We’ll miss you all: Marcelo, Jaimile, Maristella, Pinheiro, Ricardo, Suzana, Suzy, Savio, Hilton, Paulo, Rodrigo, Giann, and Daniel!

Open House at TAOKK. Paulo presenting his group’s development work to Marcelo and Savio. On the background Rodrigo and Suzy.

A learning session in one of TAMK’s new learning environments. From the left: Suzana, Savio, Ricardo, Maristella, Giann, Jaimile, Rodrigo, Hilton and Paulo

Pinheiro with his Sauna diploma

More than a training course, the experience I have had these months at TAMK and Tampere brought me lessons in my professional and personal life . I take with me a little of the Finnish way of life and I will remember forever the convivence and the kindly of teachers, coordinators, facilitators and all the people who I had known in this period.

                                José Pinheiro de Queiroz Neto
Finland may be cold but it is full of warm people and they don't need to speak much to welcome us. It was a transforming experience and it will be reflected in my work in Brazil.

                                Marcelo C P Santos

The way how the education is embraced by Finns is an example for any country that dreams of becoming developed and provide equal opportunity for its people. I will be back to Brazil very motivated to share this amazing experience acquired in TAMK and the city of Tampere. Thank every one of you for the welcome and attention.
Hilton L. Galvão

                                  Hilton with Ulla Häggblom in BIOHUB event at TAMK.

Sisko I would like to say that many things will be done in Brazil as courses, lectures, applications  in classroom, and I will try to apply PBL with indigenous people in Brazil because we are working  together in a project for them work besides increasing incomes. Thus they could make products to delight tourists and at the same time enrich the culture and way of life.
Hug, Suzy                                                                                             
This time here in Finland, in Tampere has been great for my career and my experience. I have learnt that I was not in the wrong way, but now I will keep this pathway with many different skills and tools. The learning centered in students and in the learning process itself made me have a broader overview of what is teaching. I really hope to be able to make some changes in my campus, and in my institute as well. But definitely, I will never be the same. As it is stated “ It is not possible to swim in the river twice, because when you go for the next time, nor the river nor you are the same anymore”
Daniel Coelho Ferreira

Visiting Me & MyCity in Tampere. From the left Johanna, Giann, Suzy, Rodrigo, Ricardo, Sisko and Daniel

The Finnish experience has just began! After all these months, I realize more and more that my choice for coming here was just the natural way for getting some answers for what I’ve been questioning not just in my work, but in my home country Brazil. The next steps are challengers and exciting at the same time, as now we walk for the “learning by doing”, a brazilian-fin connexion. That will become good music for sure! Kiitos Kiitos rakas Sisko!  See you soon!      
Ana Jaimile da Cunha

Jaimile (in the middle) with a group of Tredu students whom she gave a presentation on Brazil and tourism.


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